Blood drive set for Tuesday at OHS

Edward Morgan, Staff Writer

January celebrates the start of a new year, and you can start the year by helping others.  January is National Blood Donor Month.  Since 1970, National Blood Month has been in January to honor blood donors but also to increase donations during the winter months.

With the cold weather, many people are less willing to go out and give blood, and some people cancel their appointments because of cold temps.

However, every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood, and more than 41,000 donations are needed every day, according to the American Red Cross.

“So, donate blood if you can,” Oxford High junior Grace Smith said.

Donating blood is one of the simplest things you can do to help so many people. Although 38 percent of the U.S. population could donate blood, only 10 percent usually do, according to the American Red Cross.  Commonly, people’s excuses are that they don’t really think about it, or they are afraid of needles.  However, the importance of donating blood needs to be understood.  Typically, each donation can help to save up to three lives.

“It’s great to know that I’m able to save people’s lives with my blood,” senior Colby Hale said.

Donating blood can also help the donor as well.  Donating blood has been known to help balance iron levels, help keep your heart and liver healthy, and could help you live longer.  You will be able to get a small health check up as well since your blood is checked to determine if it is healthy.

Though the health benefits are well-documented, the idea that you could be saving someone’s life is the best reason to go.

“I think it is extremely important,” junior Jacob Sandlin said. “I already donate blood, and I have for as long as I could.

“People don’t release how
many people need blood.  Your blood will save a life.  It’s a great thing.”

For those interested in giving blood, Oxford High will be having a blood drive at the school on Tuesday.  To sign up, click here. You must be 16 year olds
with parental permission or 17 without.

For more information on donating blood, please visit