REVIEW: ‘Race’ emotional to finish

REVIEW: 'Race' emotional to finish

Evelyn Smith, Staff Writer

Race is a movie about the miraculous life of track star Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin.  The movie is a must-see for not only the World War II buffs, but also for anyone looking to feel inspired.  Race does a wonderful job of reminding us of our history and depicting a lovely story of determination and heroism.

Jamaican-born Stephen Hopkins took on the role as director for this show with previous experience in TV series such as “24,” “Californication” and “House of Lies.”

“Director Stephen Hopkins merely goes through the paces, plodding when he needs to sprint, and has a better record on TV than he does with such movie drool as ‘Blown Away,’ ‘Lost in Space,’ and ‘The Reaping,’” wrote Rolling Stone.

It is true that directing does lack a sense of creativity, but the story is too powerful to notice.  

“Jesse Owens was one of the African-American athletes that went through the most, especially during that time period,” said OHS sprinter Kenard Harris. “It’s motivating to see what they go through and what little I go through.  It’s a reminder that I hardly go through anything compared to what they go through.”

Unfortunately, the movie only captures a small part of Owens’ story; the movie failed to incorporate his childhood and his time after the Olympics.

“The first thing that impressed me with him was that he came from very meager beginnings,” said OHS U.S. History teacher Robert Molpus. “His family was sharecroppers.  

“He grew up very sickly, having bronchitis and phenomena, and many times they thought he wouldn’t survive because they couldn’t afford to take him to the doctor.”

Nonetheless, what was shown was greatly appreciated.

“I really liked the movie, I would definitely recommend it because it was very historically accurate and it had an important lesson,” said OHS sophomore Josh Morgan.

Gripping and emotional, “Race” is a must-see.  Although, I suggest to leave the kids at home.  There is constant use of inappropriate language that is not for everyone.

Audiences are still stunned, however, and leave the theatre practically stunned.

“What really impressed me was that it really ticked Adolf Hitler off.  The whole idea of Hitler watching his athletes being beaten by an African-American was enough to make him walk out on the Olympics,” Molpus said.