Eddie the Eagle fails to soar with viewers

Evelyn Smith, Staff Writer

“Eddie the Eagle” is a feel-good show show set in the 1980s about a young boy, Eddie Edwards, an unlikely Olympian who had always hoped to make it to the Olympics.  Ultimately, the story is an inspiring one of determination, courage, discipline, and patriotism.

The movie, however, only receives one out of five stars. While more references are made than content actually shared, there are many innuendos and sexual mentions.  Language isn’t frequent, but controversial words are used often.  Adults are always drinking, and the movie even suggests that character, Bronson Peary, played by Hugh Jackman, is an alcoholic.

“The main thing I found objectionable was that the main character was pretty innocent about things sexual, and this was the source of some comedy at his expense,” OHS sophomore Cole Moore said.

Peary, Edwards’ trainer, teaches Edwards that ski jumping is like sex (it’s all about the release). For this reason, it is best to leave the kids at home. (The film is rated PG-13.)

The worst part about the movie was the poor acting and animation.  Nothing about this movie deserves an Oscar; I’d be surprised if anyone were to win a Kids Choice Award.  The only actor who did a decent job was Hugh Jackman, but only because he is already so famous and well-liked.

As for the animation, the only comparison that could be made is to 2003’s “A Wrinkle in Time.”  Watching poor, cheap animation was painful and hard to watch.  If any viewer were to have high respect for well-done movies, I would advise them not to see “Eddie the Eagle.”

“The quality of the cinematography itself was not professional,” said sophomore Alice McCullen. “Even as someone who doesn’t know that much about movie making, I could tell that it was poorly done.”

On top of the poor quality, the story of Edwards as displayed in the movie is far from true. Jackman’s character Peary doesn’t even exist in real life.

Wrote Rolling Stone, “As a film, ‘Eddie the Eagle,’ is tarnished goods.  The filmmakers don’t trust us to understand what Eddie is feeling about the Olympics without blaring a musical message from Hall and Oates on the soundtrack, ‘You make my dreams come true.’  

“Here’s what is true. The reality trumps whatever his missed opportunity of a movie dreams up.”