Cricket grabs OHS students’ attention

Jeffrey Wang, Staff Writer

The international sport of cricket has been the center of attention for the past few weeks in the countries of Europe and Asia. This sport, however, has caught the attention of many students at OHS as they support their teams and hope for a world cup win in 2016.

Cricket consists of a bat and ball in which two teams of 11 players hit and field while trying to score the most points from runs or long hits. In the modern day, cricket is the world’s second most popular sport after soccer.

Various students at OHS have been watching cricket throughout the years and supporting their home countries and association teams.

“I believe it is an interesting sport because it combines skills required by many sports into one,” said OHS junior Nitin Ankisetty. “For example, it requires accurate throwing, catching, and batting skills.

“I also think it is interesting because it is on the international level. Countries play each other, and the World Cup is a huge deal in many countries around the world.”

Throughout OHS, many of the international students support their own home countries but have also enjoyed seeing others play.

“My favorite team is India because I am from India,” said sophomore Soumil Datta. “However, my other favorite team, which many Indians might find controversial and wouldn’t support, is Pakistan. I think that both of these nations have a great grasp on the game.”

Even though these students have not had prolonged exposures to the international cricket cup with the exception of watching matches on television, they still have a fond memory of why they enjoy and watch the game.

“I was introduced to cricket from a young age by my parents,” said sophomore Isuru Hewamanna. “I then moved to the U.S. when I was 6.

“Before that, my cousins in Sri Lanka would play with me and I began to enjoy the game. Even though I am in the U.S. where the mention of cricket is rare, I still follow my favorite teams and play cricket with my friends. “