Students still have classes to attend after AP exams

(Photo courtesy of
May 2, 2016
With AP testing coming in a matter of days, many Oxford High School Advanced Placement students are preparing for one of the most difficult exams of their school year.
And when that AP exam is finally over with, the school year ends and everyone can breathe a sigh of relief, right? Wrong.
Many students believe that when they take an AP class – such as AP U.S. History and AB and BC Calculus – the only purpose of the class is to prepare for the AP exam and to see how much you have learned up to that point.
“I believe that, while we are in AP classes, we are working hard and always striving to do our best both in class and during the AP test,” said OHS junior Jeffrey Wu. “Therefore, when we are finished with the test I believe that we do deserve a break as most of us put in much more work and effort than students who do not take AP tests, and this can be considered a special privilege for us.”
However, others believe that, while the AP test is the most important part of the class, it is also critical that teachers still review and advance a little farther in class to help students later on, such as in college.
“With AP tests out of the way finally for us,” said OHS junior Ash Hurdle, “I do believe that we deserve a short break, such as for a day or two. However, I also think that teachers should still go farther in depth with some of our materials.
“This can be seen, such as in calculus, as students taking AB Calculus this year and BC Calculus next year can use this time to review some critical points and key topics in the class before they advance further and more in depth next year.”
Some students are less extreme and believe that it is not completely necessary for all classes to continue review and teaching. Others, on the other hand, do believe that they do need this time to review to prepare students for future classes.
“Some classes do need the review and more teaching after the AP tests – such as biology and calculus – since students will most likely take these classes later on in college,” said OHS sophomore Harrison Tann. “However, others, such as United States History and the languages, should not review as much since students will most likely not see these courses again unless they personally choose to take them later on in college.”