Peer tutoring begins during flex
October 28, 2016
On Oct. 12, peer tutoring during the flex class period officially began.
The program was started by intervention coordinator Kristin Inman. There are currently 12 high school peer tutors and 16 tutors from the University of Mississippi who meet Mondays through Fridays.
“What I wanted was to provide some peer tutors because we have so many really smart and awesome and helpful juniors and seniors that know the content and want to help others,” Inman said. “That’s kind of what I felt was an untapped resource.”
Inman found her peer tutors and the students who wanted to be tutored through Google Forms that she sent out. Eventually, she gathered a list of 30 to 40 students who were interested.
“I sent out two separate Google Forms maybe late August or early September,” Inman said. “In September, I had a day when all of those students came to the cafeteria. I said, ‘Y’all said you needed tutoring. You said you want to tutor. Go around and match yourselves up.’”
Senior Ansley Byars is one of the peer tutors during the flex period. Byars tutors students in foundations to algebra, geometry, chemistry, and algebra II.
“I am in Beta Club and Anchor Club and I need some community service hours,” Byars said. “I thought this would be an easy way because the only time I’m out of school is flex, so I might as well stay here because I have an 8th period.”
The peer tutors are dispersed throughout the library, cafeteria, and various classrooms around the school during the week.
“I have a certain group on each day,” Byars said. “Some days I meet in the cafeteria and some days I meet in the library.”
Freshmen April Slate and Keyanna Blackmon are some of the students who signed up for being tutored by peers because “it really helps.” Both students are being peer tutored in world history, algebra, and physical science on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.
Freshman Jakiyah Polk is another student who is currently being peer tutored. Polk comes very Monday and Thursday and is being tutored in foundations of algebra and physical science.
“I seek peer tutors because I needed help in the classes that I’m having trouble in,” Polk said. “It has been beneficial because it helps me get better with the subject.”
Polk is not the only one who believes the peer tutoring program has been helpful. Even though flex peer tutoring started slightly more than two weeks ago, both Inman and Byars believe it has already been beneficial for the students. Byars believes the program helps the students she tutors “because they keep coming back and saying it’s helpful.”
Both Inman and Byars think some appeals of peer tutoring are students being more comfortable around people closer to their ages and learning different ways to solve a problem.
“I think students would rather go to other students for help than asking a teacher because maybe they’re scared the teacher will think they’re dumb, or maybe they don’t even like their teaching techniques or style, so it’s helpful to get different ways of teaching and explaining it one on one,” Byars said.
Students who are interested in either being a peer tutor or being peer tutored can send Inman an email at [email protected].