New cross country course completed, ready for races

Emmie Stevens

OSD’s new cross country course is finally ready for running use. The course is hilly and located behind OHS.

Emmie Stevens, Staff Writer

Typically, the Oxford High School and Oxford Middle School cross country teams have only be able to run their races on other schools’ courses. Now, they will be able to host some races in Oxford as a new cross country course has just been built.

“One of my favorite parts about running is noticing your surroundings.  I love running in the woods or just in nature in general, which is part of why I do not enjoy treadmills.  It is much more enjoyable and stimulating to run on trails in woods, so that is probably the best part about it to me,” sophomore and cross country runner Patricia Hughes said. “We haven’t seen the whole course, but what I can tell it will not be like our normal runs.  The closest thing to it would probably be the course at Saltillo, which is where the regional meet is so it will be good practice.”

The new course is located in the woods behind the high school. The most prominent feature of the course is its hilly terrain.

“I really love that this course is very hilly and challenging,” Cross Country Coach Chris Patton said. “This will make other courses we run on much easier. The runners are very excited about the course.”

Hughes is also excited about running on more difficult, hilly path.

“It will be fun to see how our times compare to a flat course or courses we have run before,” Hughes said.

This course has been a hope for several years before this, but it is only now becoming a reality.

“It has been a long time coming,” Patton said. “I have wanted a course since I started coaching here in 2008, but we never had the land to make one. This has been about a year process. Our administration and the Oxford Commons developers made this possible.

The course will not only be open to the cross country teams, but to other runners as well.  

“This course can be used by anyone who is willing to be challenged,” said Patton.

Being able to have meets in Oxford will be a new experience for the runners who have only competed in meets at other schools.

“I’m excited to try out a new course that I’ve never run before, and I like that it’s mostly in the woods,” said freshman cross country runner Addie Grafton.

The runners are excited to have a course that they will be able to practice on in Oxford.

“It’s our territory, our game,” Hughes said. “We have a ‘home court’ advantage and will be more comfortable and confident with the course. It is usually nice to try something new, so I hope it goes well.”