Wally takes job as district business manager, Beard takes over classes

Eve Gershon

Tabitha Beard teaches Algebra 2 students. She took over the class after Allison Wally got the new position of OSD’s business manager.

Eve Gershon, Features Editor

When a new position opened up at Oxford School District’s main office, Algebra II and AP Statistics teacher Allison Wally decided to take the job and become the new business manager for the school.

“The position came open in October, and it’s a position that needed to be filled even though it was in the middle of my teaching contract,” Wally said. “The district has been great about working with me and my teaching obligations to make sure all needs are met.”

Wally decided to take the new job because she wanted to do whatever she could to help out Oxford schools.

“It was an opportunity to use my qualifications to benefit something I am passionate about—education,” Wally said.

So far, Wally is pleased with her choice and finds that the job is a great fit for her.

“I am enjoying the challenge it presents each day, as well as being involved in all aspects of the school district and how even decisions outside the classroom affect students,” Wally said.

Because Wally left some classes behind, Earth Science teacher Tabitha Beard is taking over for Wally’s Algebra II classes, and Beard’s old classes  are now being taught by newly hired Brenda Smith. Wally will continue to teach her AP statistics class and works to balance her instruction time with her new job.

“I already had the entire year planned, since you have to submit very detailed syllabus information to AP Central, so that has helped in the lesson preparation,” Wally said. “I will just have to manage my time wisely, and probably do more grading and prep at home than I did before. After this school year ends, I will transition to only the business manager position, and someone else will get certified to teach AP Statistics going forward.”

As for Beard, she is having little trouble moving from teaching science to math.

“My background is math,” Beard said. “This was my first year to teach science, so it actually has been easier for me to switch back to math because it’s what I’m used to and what I’ve normally taught.”

Recognizing that switching teachers in the middle of the year isn’t always easy for the students, Beard is working hard to keep her classes as close to how Wally had them before.

“I’ve worked really close with the student teachers that were in here with her to try to help me balance that,” Beard said. “It hasn’t really disrupted their life a whole lot other than who’s in here. I’ve maintained a lot of [Wally’s] policies like for homework and testing and things like that, so it’s been a very smooth transition.”

Algebra II student Aaliyah Bishop enjoyed Wally’s teaching style and is still getting used to having a new teacher.

“The adjustment to having a new instructor, to some extent, is rather challenging for me,” Bishop said. “The way that Mrs. Wally taught was comfortable for me, and I was able to grasp concepts a little better. I still understand all of the information that I’m given, but I have a little more adjusting to do before I’m fully comfortable with the new teaching styles and this new change.”