New club RISE brings awareness to student health through events, projects

Edward Brown, Staff Writer

RISE, standing for reach, inspire, support and empower, is a newly formed club at Oxford High focused on bettering the lives of other students and advocating for their health. English teacher Kakky Brown is the club’s sponsor and helps lead the club.

“RISE is a group of OHS students who are passionate about the health and wellness of the Oxford School District community,” Brown said. “We connect students to reliable health and wellness resources and promote healthy behaviors through public service campaigns in the school community.”

The club focuses on all aspects of students’ health, including the issue of high schoolers vaping and smoking. While the club does focus on smoking and vaping, the goal of the club is not purely focused on and against these issues. Junior Jess Edge is a leading member of the group and feels like some may misinterpret the club’s main purpose.

“Our club isn’t purely anti-tobacco and nicotine, as some might assume,” Edge said. “It’s a club with the purpose to advocate for all of youth and student health.”

The club meets often to talk about and come up with ideas to promote student health in the school. The club regularly meets on Wednesdays, but often times meets more than once per week to discuss more projects and ideas. One of these projects is a free concert for OHS students on May 11 behind the library.

“RISE will be sponsoring And the Echo, an Oxford based band, to provide a free outdoor concert for OHS students,” Brown said. “There will also be health and wellness resource booths available with info and giveaways.”

The club also set up a video with Mr. And Miss Ole Miss, Tucker Fox and Savannah Smith, who helped spread the club’s message about vaping in a video uploaded to Schoology.

“Mr. And Miss Ole Miss highlighted or brought into focus how vaping and jumping can effect not only your health but your future, reputation and goals,” Brown said.

The club can be found on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook under the username @riseoxfordhigh and looks to spread their message through these sites also. RISE also welcomes any student who wishes to join the club.

“People should join rise if they have a desire to give back to Oxford High and its students, or have a platform to have their voice heard,” Edge said.