OHS journalism students present new live coaches show at Walk-On’s

Anderson Shows, staff writer

Senior journalism students, Ross Shows and Henry Hyneman, are now introducing a brand new coaches show, live at Walk On’s. During the coaches show, Shows and Hyneman interview three new players every week and two coaches including head coach of the Oxford High School football team Chris Cutcliffe. Despite the first official live viewing on September 14th, the coaches show has already become very popular around the community. 

“I think my favorite part has been just the people coming to support, I think it’s been really cool to see a lot of people that are just as excited about Oxford football as we are. They have come the past three weeks we’ve had it and had questions and ideas for us,” Shows said “It’s really been cool to see those people come out and support not only us, but those players and coaches.”

Before starting the coaches show, Shows and Hyneman were the host of their own podcast Cross the Line. Oxford High School’s TV and broadcasting teacher Hayden Embry knew from this that they were the perfect duo to fit for the role. 

“I chose Ross and Henry because they were already coming into my class to shoot their podcasts. They were the MCee’s at the pep rallies and everything, also their personalities really fit doing a coaches show because they’re already involved with the coaches and players. Their high school sports knowledge is better than most other people’s.” Embry said.

Shows and Hyneman are very active around Oxford High School activities including the OHS football program. Having knowledge on the subject and what has happened helps heavily with the very dedicated preparation needed to put on the coaches show. Preparation also includes many other things like making questions and figuring out what to talk about.

“A big part of the preparation is really just paying attention to the game on Friday. Ross and I have been huge charger fans all four years of high school and we rarely will miss a game. Seeing who plays well and what different plays are going on or how the team’s playing differently helps with that. The past couple weeks just writing those things down and making a mental note and just bringing it back up Wednesday in a question. Come see us Wednesday at five o’clock it’s lots of fun, three players and three coaches live at Walk On’s to get to know your favorite Charger athletes better.”

Even with preparation, speaking in front of a large live audience is still a very hard thing to do for most people. For Shows, doing this was no problem with what he does live.

“Well we print out a script of basically what we want to base our questions around so we have a layout of what we want to ask. And then usually Henry and I both take turns asking questions, while henry is asking a question and whoever we are interviewing is answering then i’ll look over the question that I’m about to ask and vice versa so we can just make some small notes about what we want to say and then kinda just say it live from there.”  Shows said