There is no question that organic foods are vastly more beneficial for a person’s health than the alternative non-organic, or processed foods. That being said, the biggest issue people face when trying to decide which one to reach for is the large difference in price. Because organic foods are higher in price and many people cannot afford the extra cost, it leads more often than not to choose the cheaper, processed option.
The evidence behind the benefits of organic food is undeniable. From better overall health to a better environment organic produce and meats are by far the better option when it comes to the food people buy and consume making it plain to see that they are the right choice. Non-organic produce is grown with pesticides and chemicals that can enter our waterways and the air,
polluting two essential aspects of our lives. Organic farms do not use these which prevents us from ingesting these chemicals when eating organic food as well as reducing the harmful impact that the growing and harvesting process can have on the
“Organic practices help keep our water supply clean of run-off from toxic and persistent chemicals,” the
Organic Trade Association, a business association for organic agriculture and products in North America said, “Moreover, by prohibiting the use of petroleum-based fertilizers and absorbing carbon dioxide from the air, organic agriculture helps to reduce our carbon footprint and combat climate change.”
Arguably even more important are the amazing things that organic food can do for the health of your mind and your body. Organic foods can raise your mood, clear brain fog, and help you feel better overall by providing extra nutrients and having an absence of carcinogens and chemicals, according to the New York Times and Naturveda, a laboratory dedicated to the research and development of natural treatments. An increased consumption of organic foods is also linked to a decrease in obesity which is the second leading cause of preventable death in America.
“Regular and frequent consumption of organic products generally reduces the risk of overweight and obesity, both for women and men, as well as non-Hodgkin lymphoma in case of women,” the National Library of Medicine said.
All the positives stated above make organic foods the obviouschoice when it comes to selecting food to eat, but such benefits become completely negligible when it comes to the actual ability for people to buy them. The main reason people choose non-organic foods is the price.
“The cost of organic food is almost always higher than that of conventional/non-GMO products, and that can be challenging for those trying to find a bargain for their wholesale produce,” Riviera Produce, a restaurant food distributor that sources wholesale produce from trusted family farms, said on their website.
It is unfair that only some people are able to buy the things that can increase the quality and length of their life. Organic foods need to be more available and affordable for all people. Health should not be based on the amount of money someone has and people should not have to stretch their dollar to have a higher quality of life.