After coming off a great 2023 season, the OHS powerlifting team is looking ahead to winning it all this season. The Chargers finished last year as strong contenders and are looking to repeat the culture but do more.
The powerlifting format consists of getting seven total lifts. There has to be a positive lift on the first squat, then bench press, and deadlift. Each lifter has to have one positive lift. If you don’t have a positive lift, meaning that you achieved the lift, then you’ll have to be scratched out of the meet.
Head Coach Issac Boose is in his seventh year of coaching the OHS powerlifting team. He is looking forward to this season as he says the team is improving from last year.
“Overall last year I felt like we had a good season both boys and girls,” Boose said.
Boose also touched on how the team is and who will be paving the way for the powerlifting team in 2024.
“The boys will be very good this year being led by Kylan Mathis and Ty Patrick. The boys look forward to competing as they won 2nd overall at the Oxford Invitational,” Boose said. “ The girls will be led by Keirstan White who holds several records in Regionals and North Half. Girls also placed 2nd overall at the Oxford Invitational.”
Senior Jackson Doss is looking forward to this season. Doss isn’t content with last year and is looking forward to improving this season.
“This year I’m trying to improve on just getting stronger on all of my lifts and hoping to make it past regionals this year,” Doss said.
As Doss paves the way for the boys side of the team, the girls are looking toward captain Kierstan white to do big things this season. Kierstan and the girls are off to a great start and hope to acquire a state championship at the end of the season.
“We have obtained 70 points as a team and that is the first time our team has had that many points in a meet,” White said. “We hope at the end of our season to have a state trophy in our hands and rings on our fingers.”
Coach Boose and the powerlifting team are looking forward to this season and are improving as the season progresses.
“Overall, we are getting better and will be solid on both teams this season,” Boose said.